حياكم الله في منتديات واحة الإسلام.... تشرفنا زيارتكم.... يزدنا تألقا انضمامكم لاسرتنا.... نعمل لخدمتكم ...فمنتدياتنا صدقة جارية لاجلكم فحياكم الله ونزلتم اهلا وحللتم سهلا
كلمة الإدارة


منتديات واحة الإسلام :: الأقسام الإسلامية الرئيسية :: Islamic Forum

كاتب الموضوع wissam مشاهدة صفحة طباعة الموضوع  | أرسل هذا الموضوع إلى صديق  |  الاشتراك انشر الموضوع
 المشاركة رقم: #
تم النشر فى :29 - 06 - 2018
تواصل معى
عدد المساهمات : 18291
السٌّمعَة : 21
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/04/1968
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/07/2016
العمر : 56
العمل/الترفيه : ربة منزل
 Sleeping and waking up when Emptyموضوع: Sleeping and waking up when

Sleeping and waking up when
Sleeping and waking up when

Sleeping and waking-adhkaar mentioned when mentioning when waking sleep.

A 1 "combines efficient flame therein, then: (reads Sura al-Ikhlas), (Sura Al-falaq) (NAAs). Then wipe them what could his body starts on the head and face and accept his body (do it three times).

2 "read (Holy)".

3 "to you my Lord, and put to the side of your components, I grabbed myself, have mercy, and that sent it, save it to your slaves by reservation righteous."

4 "unless you left myself and you died her death and her life, you can save it, and I restored her to forgive their nation, o Lord, I ask you wellness."

5 "unless your pain keep on sending your slaves".

6 "in your name unless I die and revived".

7 Hallelujah-thirty times "," God-thirty times "," God-thirty times ".

8 "except the Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the Earth, and the Lord of the throne, our Lord and Lord of everything, check out love and cores, and home of the Torah and the Gospel, and Al-Furqan, I charm your evil everything you take with its forepart of the head, apart from you I no you nothing, and you have no other thing after you, and you apparently not your on something, and you cannot dunk, subcontractor spend our religion and aghanna of poverty."

9 "praise be to Allaah who has fed us, and watered us, enough, awana, how those not enough and artist".

10 "Apart from the world of the unseen and certificate Fatir heaven and Earth, the Lord of everything and Malika, I certify that there is no God but you, I charm your evil myself, and from the evil of Satan and company, and that perpetrated on myself, or taxi to Muslims".

11 "reads ((pain)) the blessed and Sajda download holds the King".

12 "unless she tvesi to you, and empower you, and she commands my face here, and here's my desire, GATT and awe you, not a and not not Alec mango you secured your book, which received and sent by the Prophet."

Pray if volatility at night

"There is no God but Allah, the Lord of heavens Conqueror and Earth and between Aziz Ghaffar".

' Panic in sleep and from my loneliness

"I charm with the words of God from his wrath and punishment commitments, and the evil cult, and of demons and bring points."

What does view vision or dream

1. "flame on the left-three".

2. "used with Allaah from the Shaytaan and from evil of what Ray-three times."

3. "does not occur by anyone."

4. "shifting from the Bush."

5. "praying that he wanted".

الموضوع الأصلي : Sleeping and waking up when // المصدر : منتديات واحة الإسلام // الكاتب: wissam
التوقيع: wissam

 Sleeping and waking up when 2410

الجمعة يونيو 29, 2018 10:15 pm
المشاركة رقم: #
الصورة الرمزية

منارة الاسلام

عدد المساهمات : 2909
السٌّمعَة : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/08/2016

وسائل الإتصال:

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Sleeping and waking up when

Thanks for your efforts
God bless you

التوقيع: منارة الاسلام

 Sleeping and waking up when 635061411

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