حياكم الله في منتديات واحة الإسلام.... تشرفنا زيارتكم.... يزدنا تألقا انضمامكم لاسرتنا.... نعمل لخدمتكم ...فمنتدياتنا صدقة جارية لاجلكم فحياكم الله ونزلتم اهلا وحللتم سهلا
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 المشاركة رقم: #
تم النشر فى :29 - 06 - 2018
تواصل معى
عدد المساهمات : 18291
السٌّمعَة : 21
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/04/1968
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/07/2016
العمر : 56
العمل/الترفيه : ربة منزل
Miracles in modern "House fails to pass Emptyموضوع: Miracles in modern "House fails to pass

Miracles in modern "House fails to pass
Miracles in modern "House fails to pass"

Aisha-Allaah reported-said: the Messenger of Allaah said-and peace-: "Hey Aisha House fails to pass a hungry family, Aisha House fails to pass the populated or hunger hungry. spoken twice or thrice." Sahih Muslim, book the drinks, door saving dates etc of the foodstuffs, no. talk: 3825. in this talk I trusted a correct reference with indication of the phenomenon on the relationship between syndrome eating dates, Phoenix dactylifera L. pectin Palm (Figure 1) is known for its beauty and taste, which is the opposite of get Hunger and succession. modern scientists have elaborated and his commentators interpret this Hadith and intents and clarify its meaning, although it had been stated in the meaning of this hadeeth and disagree about in ' or cousins, but it contains a clear reference to the direct relationship between eating dates and get access.

In modern methods of prophetic statement emphasizing the meaning, use the word "bet" Licentiate sender locality where, with talk about home folks who are dealing with dates and eat where the people of this House.

In modern proof of hunger did not deal with dates, in hunger as "hungry people" sign Frank check the hunger in the absence of this food. Although this hadeeth is Saheeh ahaadeeth disputed in terms of meaning and intended, as many do not eat dates and not feel hungry, they get too full, which opens the door for another apparent meaning is concerned. Meaning that is consistent with the scientific truth of insect and the fill are denied hunger hunger who deals with dates and not prove hunger do not address. The introduction of modern Zahir, achieving the hunger to do deals with dates, not out of keeping with the scientific truth and realistic viewing of many don't feel hungry while eating to dates, but modern operative carrying on an offender who is denied the hunger of a household who eat dates. Perhaps the apparent talk is the reality of Muslims, then people in the age of prophecy, where he was President and food staple dates the foundation of the people and was accredited as a staple would avert the threat of hunger, especially in the Arabian Peninsula where limited types of food and drink compared to other country.

Physiological hunger and its relationship with sugar dates:

In view of the physiology of hunger and the satisfaction, as well as consider the FIG components and its contents, it was possible for us to stand on the secrets of Huda in this Hadith Prophet's and the foundation of virtue and verses. Then physiology of hunger and the satisfaction based on the body's ability to feel the need to eat and drink, and feel satisfied. The hunger and the satisfaction depends on the integration and coordination between the three types of physical and physiological vital functions: nervous, hormonal alghadi fumbling residual food and drink in the digestive system. It contains the brain, specifically the hypothalamus "gland", sensors capable of sensing and measuring blood sugar level "glucose" in the body, as case sensitive brain hunger through the nervous flows.

Perhaps the most important element in determining the sense of hunger blood sugar is "glucose". Glucose is the body's energy currency is the only form of carbohydrates disposable drainage within the cells of the body tissues. Gets the body's glucose through two ways:

1: food and drink, glucose is the river which ends all forms of dietary carbohydrate intakes. The body converts food starch has taken after digestion and absorption operations complex to glucose, and converts other unilateral and bilateral sugars to glucose easier and easier. The outcome of handling any type of carbohydrate is glucose production and storage in the body. The forms of glucose in the body of a free blood sugar, or starch "animal alglaikogin" the body stored in the liver and muscles by using excess blood glucose. In the event of full alglaikogin stores, the body convert excess blood sugar to vehicles and stores fat in adipose tissue, and this is done by boat alacetyl Kwai Acetyl Co-A mediator.

II: blood sugar manufacturing processes "glucose" confiscation of sugary, like composite alglisirol fatty compounds derived from the alglisirid trilogy, Triglycerides and composite Lactate fermenting the results allaktit glucose in muscle, and some amino acid compounds derived from muscle proteins known amino acids Glucogenic, that body shall produce this sugar from three sources of energy and proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Glucose is produced from these vehicles not sugary across complex dynamic process known as Gluconeogenesis and English b means "manufacture of glucose of diabetic non-sources".

We create God-Allah-man and make him his sources of energy used during his lifetime to buy vital energy necessary to carry out various physiological functions. And diverse sources of energy in the human body as follows (based on the weight of the human body of 70 kg): blood sugar Blood glucose (20 grams), and starch complex (alglaikogin) and Glycogen in the liver and muscle-based (225 grams), fatty acids Fatty acids in adipose tissue (white adipose tissue White Adipose Tissue) (15 kg), and the protein of muscle Muscle proteins (6 kg), and finally the free fatty acids walglisiridat Plasma free fatty acids tripartite and plasma triglycerides in the blood (3.3 g).

And vary the use of these energy sources, and switch between using these sources as needed the physiological nature of the activity and the physical effort involved and the degree of hunger and feeding to the body. Scientists have divided energy stage (i.e. generation, use) in the body into three stages depends on the degree and level of hunger and feeding, and opened as a whole cycle of hunger and feeding Starve-Fed Cycle.

The hormone insulin which is presented in beta cells in the pancreas langerhanz Islands working direct responsible for the overall dynamic metabolism and representation of sugar in the body. This sugar regulate blood sugar levels within normal limits 60-110 mg/disiltr through two mechanisms: first, to contribute to the Faisal Islamic Bank of blood sugar enter cells, so that the latter benefit from necessary cellular respiration processes energy production by cells in various vital operations. Second, the process of converting the excess blood sugar to starch animal known as balglaikogin, and stored in its warehouses in the liver and muscles.

Core production processes and the generation of energy in the body over the body's ability to maintain the level of glucose combines its borders and the body's natural levels, and for many vital interactions towards achieving that goal. in the case of fasting or starvation, and when the body is deprived of energy sources, the body change paths metabolism and energy production and use of new means of safeguarding energy supply body, namely glucose, which obviates the risk of low blood level.

Through review of vital metabolic processes in the body, they are all based on one fact, namely the need to provide sugar blood glucose "and to preserve natural levels in the blood and prevent the decline to a minimum and where possible the analysis of protein and fat and employment in the production of glucose and the search for alternatives to provide energy; all blood glucose with indication on the importance of this sugar and its pivotal role in the body health and vitality.

This understanding of the role of glucose in the body and vital help us understand the significance of the Hadith and og (House fails to pass the hungry populated). So the dates is simple sugars concentrated foods, most notably the alverktos, which quickly turns into glucose blood sugar once you chew and absorbed. In view of the chemical analysis of food composition and alaltomor (table 1) shows us the role of the plant sweet taste good taste in staving off hunger and destitution sugar carbohydrates, where about 75 percent of the total weight of dates, the simple sugars is complex and rapid digestion and absorption are kraih 66% glucose, and represents more than half of those sugars (34%) While the other part simple alverktos sugar (32%) It soon turns into glucose in the body.

Looking at the blood sugar level index of dates, or what is known as Glycemic Index (GI), an indicator shows the extent to which food article on raising blood glucose two hours after the deal, and used by diabetic patients to help them in selecting appropriate foods; shows us clearly the ability of dates on raising blood sugar quickly, which is built by protecting the body from damage, low blood sugar among natural persons. Sugar level tables indicate that the date is more food to raise blood sugar at all among all types of fruit and sweet natural unprocessed foods, and the value of 147 (table 2). In this indication and any indication of dates on raising the level of blood sugar and then get rid of all the negative symptoms caused by decrease of the situation of hunger and destitution, which I mentioned earlier.

It should also be noted that there may be other elements or compounds in dates, except sugar, contribute to influencing the hunger and reduce their metabolic pathways, the date is a rich source of potassium, add very styled good quantities of vitamins dissolved in water, especially niacin (B3) (table 1).

Modern science is still revealing the role and characteristics of organic compounds on plant Phytochemicals and their roles and functions of different physiological and bio, which may have an impact and in the process of hunger and energy production and metabolic pathways in the body, and something needs to research confirmed and verified.

Finally, the direct link stated in Hadith between eating dates and get access, and is the antithesis of hunger and so on, represents a clear scientific evidence and a reference already Nepoui crippling in the report of the scientific fact: that the dates and contained a component represented by the sugar represents food suited to avert the threat of hunger and what builds from lack of blood sugar and consequent adverse negative changes to the health of the body, is that del only shows wisdom Aleem expert aware speaker Nabih-Prophet-and briefed him on The secret of secrets of the universe and its creatures and the verses of Allaah shared God-bright told her-Prophet-supported religion to anchor his followers and his staff honest assurance and proven his wesrokh principle, and that sender from God subtle ﴿الا knows to create a gentle الخبير﴾ ﴿الملك: 14 ﴿وما speaks ﴾. الهويٰ on is only inspired يوحيٰ﴾ ﴿النجم: 3-4 ﴾.

الموضوع الأصلي : Miracles in modern "House fails to pass // المصدر : منتديات واحة الإسلام // الكاتب: wissam
التوقيع: wissam

Miracles in modern "House fails to pass 2410

الجمعة يونيو 29, 2018 10:15 pm
المشاركة رقم: #
الصورة الرمزية

منارة الاسلام

عدد المساهمات : 2909
السٌّمعَة : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/08/2016

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